ISEE/HSPT Test Prep – Offered ONLINE
Our data-driven process is individualized for maximum growth and effectiveness
Here is our process:
Diagnostic: Each student takes a full-length diagnostic test to get an accurate starting point.
Consultation: In a 45-minute Zoom call, a test expert will provide a detailed diagnostic review, assist in creating personalized goals, and recommend a tailored preparation plan.
First session: Specialist will review portions of the diagnostic test with the student with the intention of discovering the student’s unique perspective and intuitive problem-solving methods.
Plan Implementation: Preparation will cover strategies and content that align with each student’s learning style and approach. The specialist and team regularly review progress and make needed adjustments.
Practice tests: Periodic practice tests assess progress and allow the student to get accustomed to exam timing and content. Practice tests are reviewed in sessions to fill in content and strategy gaps.

We offer a diagnostic and consultation, as few as 2 hours of prep, or all-inclusive packages up to 30 hours. Our packages include a diagnostic and consultation, up to 6 practice tests, and a personalized curriculum folder or prep materials. View our package options by clicking below.